Sensitivity, efficiency, and professionalism
At Freeman Jones Solicitors, you can talk to us in confidence about what has happened and we will give you advice on the legal options available to you.
We understand how difficult and daunting it can be to report a domestic violence problem within the home. Our family solicitors will assist you throughout the legal process and can put you in touch with other specialists who can offer support.
We will handle your enquiry with sensitivity, efficiency, and with professionalism.
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic Violence covers incidents involving personal violence, threats, intimidation, and harassment. It is a form of controlling behaviour and includes all kinds of psychological, physical, sexual, financial, or emotional abuse among family members.
Whilst statistically the most common form of abuse consists mainly of violence by men against female partners, abuse can and does also occur by women against men and within same-sex relationships.
Domestic violence is under-reported, however, statistics show how serious it is:
- One incident of Domestic Violence is reported to the police every minute
- 45% of women and 26% of men have experienced at least one incident of domestic violence in their lifetime
- Each year there are around 30 million recorded incidents of physical violence, threats of violence or incidents of sexual abuse against women by their current or former partner
- On average two women per week are killed by their current or former partner

Domestic Violence Solicitors: How can we help?
At Freeman Jones we understand that urgent action is often needed in such cases to protect both the victim and children.
We can assist you in a number of ways by applying for an order against your partner in order to protect you and your children from abuse.
Non-molestation order
Non molestation orders are used for the protection of victims and children. This order will prevent your partner from making contact with you. The order protects victims from violence and threats of violence this will help you to keep safe.
Occupation order
Occupation Orders excludes the violent partner from entering the home which you both share and can also extend to excluding that partner from a specified area around the home in some cases.
Emergency Applications
In urgent cases it is possible to obtain this order to protect the victim and children on the same day or at least the next day. The court can grant both non-molestation and occupation order’s where it believes that it is convenient to do so. Freeman Jones can also assist you with orders involving your children from the violent partner. We can apply for or respond to residence orders, contact orders and prohibited steps orders. We can also help you with getting a divorce or judicial separation from the violent partner, our experienced legal team would deal with the proceedings and any financial settlements you need to claim.
It is essential that you contact us at the earliest possible time so that we can pursue matters promptly. Domestic violence should never be tolerated as it can never be justified, whatever the circumstances.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, you can call Freeman Jones domestic violence solicitors today for free initial advice on 01244 506 444 to discuss your case with our family law solicitors.
It is important that you receive the right advice early on, we will assist you in any way we can. Alternatively, you can also contact us through the online enquiry form.

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