Our Debt Recovery Service (up to £100,000)
Stage 1
Taking your instructions and sending a letter before action to the debtor threatening County Court or insolvency proceedings and usually requiring payment within 14 days. Our fee also includes receiving the payment and forwarding it to you. If an electronic transfer is required however this will attract a further fee of £25 plus VAT.
Debt Owed
Debt owed less than £1,000 – Our Fee – £50 plus VAT
Debt owed £1,000 to £10,000 – Our Fee – £75 plus VAT
Debt owed £10,000 to £100,000 – Our Fee – £150 plus VAT
Stage 2
This stage involves drafting and issuing a county court claim on your behalf.
You should be aware a claim for interest and/or late payment compensation may take the debt into a higher bracket with higher costs.
Issuing a County Court Claim against your debtor.
Debt owed | Court fee | Our fee |
Up to £300 | £35 | £90 plus VAT |
£300 – £500 | £50 | £100 plus VAT |
£500 – £1,000 | £70 | £125 plus VAT |
£1,000 – £1,500 | £80 | £140 plus VAT |
£1,500 – £3,000 | £115 | £150 plus VAT |
£3,000 – £5,000 | £205 | £160 plus VAT |
5,000 – £10,000 | £455 | £175 plus VAT |
£10,000 – £100,000 | 5% of claim | £250 plus VAT |
Issuing a Statutory Demand against the debtor
Debt owed
£750 to £10,000 – Our fee £200 plus VAT
£10,000 to £100,000 – Our fee £350 plus VAT
Request Judgment
In County Court claims, once the Court has served the claim, a debtor has 14 days in which to file a Defence or enter an Acknowledgement of Service. After the expiry of the 14 day period you can make a request to the Court for judgment to be entered provided the debtor has not filed an acknowledgement or a Defence.
Request Judgment – our fee £50 plus VAT
Timescale: It usually takes the court about 10 working days to enter judgment following receipt of a request to enter judgment.
Additional services if necessary
If the debt is still not paid after judgment has been entered then enforcement action will be required. This can be dealt with as follows and we will discuss the options with you before embarking upon any process:
Application for writ of control – Instructing a High Court Enforcement Officer (HCEO) to seize goods.
Our fee £100 plus VAT
If unsuccessful
£66 Court fee plus HCEO fee of £90
If successful
£66 Court fee; and HCEO fees. If successful, the court and HCEO fees are recoverable from debtor.
Oral examination of a debtor.
This is an application for an order that the debtor attends Court for questioning about their finances.
Our fee for making the application £250 plus VAT
Court fee £55
Process servers fee for serving the application up to £150 plus VAT
Application for an attachment of earnings order
Our fee £100 plus VAT
Court fee £110
Application for third party debt order
Our fee £200 plus VAT
Court fee £110
Representation at Court – depends on location
Application for charging order on debtor’s property
Our fee £350 plus VAT
Court fee £110
Land Registry fee £40
Representation at Court – agent fees for hearing depends on location
Search fees £3 plus VAT per search
Bankruptcy Proceedings
If bankruptcy proceedings are required following issue of a statutory demand and the matter is determined at one hearing, then provided there are no issues with service and the debt is undisputed or a County Court judgement has been obtained –
Our fees £750 plus VAT
Process server – up to £150 plus VAT
Court fee – £280
Deposit – £990
Representation at Court – agent fees for hearing depends on location
Search fee – £11
Winding up order
This is only applicable in cases where the debt is undisputed or if a court judgment has been obtained which has not been set aside or appealed.
Our fee £1,000 plus VAT
Court fee – £280
Petition deposit – £1,600
Process server – up to £150 plus VAT
Representation at court – agent fees for hearing depends on location
Advertisement in London Gazette – £101.52
Timescale: winding up orders can usually be obtained within about 8-12 weeks of the petition being issued by the court.

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